ITS upgrade on M80 delivers benefits

Reduced emissions and maintenance costs are among the benefits being delivered by an industry collaboration on Melbourne’s M80.

Ventia worked with Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) and CIMIC Group’s CPB Contractors to design and deliver backbone fibre and tail fibre networks including network integration and associated infrastructure, new smart ITS devices such as Variable Message Signs (VMS), Lane Used Management System Signs (LUMS), Variable Speed Limit Signs (VSLS), Ramp Metering Control systems, CCTV and data stations.

Ventia’s General Manager, Transport Technology and Rail Services James Bennett said the team collaborated to deliver an innovative solution, following the release of updated specifications for VMS on Victoria’s roads:

“Keeping abreast of new specifications and ensuring that the assets we recommend and provide our clients are innovative, sustainable from an environmental perspective and are cost effective to maintain are key objectives for our team.”

“This new VMS will currently deliver a reduction of 11.5 to 14 tonnes CO2-equivalent annual emissions due to a substantial reduction in electricity consumption compared to the old versions, thanks to RGB low powered technology.”

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