2024-25 Federal Budget: Increased investment in road safety

The Budget delivers on commitments made by the Australian Government to significantly increase funding for road safety initiatives following recommendations in the Infrastructure Investment Program Strategic Review (IIP Review), published in November last year. 

The IIP Review recommended an increase in funding for the Black Spot Program while providing greater flexibility for funding by widening the scope of projects, in cost, time and nature.  

Funding for the Black Spot Program which will increase from the current commitment of $110 million to $150 million per year.  

Further supporting safer transport infrastructure is a boost in funding for the Roads to Recovery Program, progressively rising from $500 million to $1 billion per year.  This funding will support local governments to maintain local infrastructure and fund projects that are difficult to fund with existing funds. 

As previously announced and recommended in the IIP Review, the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program and the Bridges Renewal Program have been merged into a new Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program with at least $200 million available each year.  

Funding to be phased in over the forward estimates to avoid putting pressure on inflation, supply costs and the construction labour market. 

The Budget contains $10.8 million in 2024-25 for a one-year National Road Safety Education and awareness campaign, and $21.2 million over six years from 2024-25 to improve the reporting of national road safety data via the National Road Safety Data Hub, as announced by the Federal Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Catherine King at Roads Australia’s Transforming Transport Summit at the beginning of the month. 

This Data Hub is designed to support more harmonised road-safety data that be used more effectively by stakeholders, including decision makers in all states and territories.  

In support of an integrated transport system, the Budget includes $100 million for a new Active Transport Fund open to states and territories which will ensure people who want to walk and cycle in their local community can do so safely, funding new and upgraded bicycle and walking paths across the country.  

The increased road safety funding from the Australia Government follows a concerning increase in the road toll across the nation in 2023, with 1,266 people tragically losing their lives on Australian roads. 

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