In 2016, the RA Board appointed its first Future Leaders Committee (previously known as the Fellowship Council).

Members are elected for two years, with Committee supporting the Chair and Deputy Chair in guiding the activities of the Future Leaders Program.

In 2024, following a changeover in Committee structure and recognising the period of renewal in the Committee’s membership, an additional resource for the Committee was allocated through the creation of Fellowship Alumni Chapter Leads, supporting the Program and Committee’s activities in their home states.


Deputy Chairs

Ly Galanos

Principal, Transport – Aurecon

Alex Berry

Pre-Contracts Manager – VIC & TAS, McConnell Dowell

Committee Members

Fellowship Alumni Chapter Leads

Stuart Cook

Regional Manager, Gold Coast / Transport Lead, QLD – BG&E

Ana Guzman

Reginal Director South Australia, Regional Executive Transport & Geotechnical, South Australia – WSP


Elizabeth Kelleher-Cook

Executive Director - Public Affairs