Date and time

Tuesday, 29 August 2023
6:30pm to 10:30pm (AEST)


Westin room III | The Westin Melbourne
205 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
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You have been invited to RSVP for our RA Melbourne Board Dinner.

This dinner is an exclusive networking opportunity bringing transport infrastructure leaders from the public and private sectors.

Following the expected release of the independent 90-day review into Australia’s $120 billion, ten-year infrastructure pipeline, join us to hear directly from Jim Betts, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.

This is a timely opportunity to further explore the priorities of the Commonwealth Government in continuing the delivery of major transport infrastructure across the nation.

As a respected leader with decades of experience across the public sector, Jim will provide an unparalleled insight into the future of public infrastructure, challenges and opportunities facing the transport sector and the possibilities for strengthening collaboration across industry and government to continue delivering nation shaping projects.

Our speaker

Jim Betts

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Jim was appointed as Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport Regional Development, Communications and the Arts in July 2022.

Jim Betts has spent over 30 years working in government agencies in the UK, Victoria and (for the last 8 years) New South Wales.

Prior to becoming Secretary, Jim was a partner at strategy consultancy EY Port Jackson Partners, having previously led the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) as Secretary for 2.5 years. During that period, the department undertook transformational reform in areas like land use planning, water, urban design, sustainability, climate change, biodiversity conservation and energy. From 2013 to 2019, Jim was Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure NSW where he led the development of 2 State Infrastructure Strategies, oversaw the state’s infrastructure program, delivered major state infrastructure projects and developed a state plan for the construction sector.

Before moving to New South Wales, Jim spent 5 years in Victoria as Secretary for the Victorian Transport Department and 4 years as Victoria’s Director of Public Transport. Jim strives to be a champion for inclusivity and social justice, not least for First Nations people.

He is a supporter of St Kilda football club, but privately admits they are rubbish.

View Roads Australia current board members

Dress code: Business attire

Dietaries: Please inform of any dietary requirements 2 weeks prior to the event

Roads Australia Board dinners are exclusive to RA members only.

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Refund policy

Cancellations should be notified in writing by email. Cancellations received prior to one week before the event will receive a full refund less 25%. No refund will be applicable for cancellations received after one week prior to the event although substitute delegates are welcomed


Felicity Lampert

Executive - Programs & Events

Rebecca Baker

Event Manager