Roads Australia (RA) says the recommendations contained in the independent review of Infrastructure Australia (IA) will help to address issues highlighted in its submission and especially welcomes moves to streamline the Infrastructure Priority List.
The Hon. Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government has responded to the review and indicated the Federal Government will support a refined Infrastructure Priority List, develop a national planning and assessment framework for projects and adopt a structure for IA that ensures closer collaboration with states and territories.
“IA has a critical role to play in providing advice that helps generate important economic and social benefits for the infrastructure sector and the wider community,” said RA CEO Michael Kilgariff.
“For IA to deliver optimal outcomes, it’s essential that the body is focused on the assessment of nationally significant projects and is working closely with infrastructure bodies established by state and territory governments, to ensure there is collaboration and coordination in the national project pipeline.”
“RA welcomes the Federal Government’s support for reform of the Infrastructure Priority List and for establishing a structure that will ensure IA works closely with state and territory infrastructure bodies.”
“These were two key recommendations in RA’s submission to the independent review, and will be central to providing more clarity and certainty for industry.”
“A smaller and more targeted Infrastructure Priority List will be valuable to industry in terms of making informed decisions regarding contracting opportunities, skills and resourcing.”
“RA looks forward to continuing to work closely with IA and supporting its role as an independent and authoritative voice informing investment decisions on nationally significant transport infrastructure.”