Why join RA

Our members include all of Australia’s transport agencies, road owners, major contractors and consultants, material suppliers, service and technology providers, and other relevant industry groups.

  • Ability to influence policy outcomes 
  • Drive reform 
  • Access to industry leaders 
  • An unparalleled networking experience 
  • Profile your brand and credentials 
  • Develop your next generation of leaders 
  • Access international opportunities 

By being a Tier 1 member with Roads Australia (RA), you can continue to build connections, enhance your reputation, and increase your influence in the transport sector. As a Tier 1, you have the exclusive opportunity to: 

  • Attend invitation-only Leaders’ Lunches across Australia and build your profile among the RA membership base
  • Hold quarterly planning sessions to ensure you’re maximising the value of the RA platform
  • Request seat preferences at our events next to or near people of influence
  • Suggest a representative to policy stream expert panels and working groups
  • Attend our exclusive CEO’s Workshop that brings together the head of road/transport agencies and CEOs of our Tier 1 members. The workshop allows our members the opportunity to shape the RA policy agenda through the sharing of ideas and solutions for the issues that are impacting transport planning, procurement, delivery, and operation in Australia
  • Shape policy outcomes through policy events (both in-person and online) and by contributing to the development of RA policy submissions
  • Participate in the RA Fellowship Program and Emerging Leaders Program, which will enable your younger professionals to develop leadership skills, build strong networks, and stay engaged in the transport industry
  • Partner with RA in panel discussions at large-scale industry events and policy webinars, where there are exclusive opportunities to showcase your brand
  • Promote your organisation to the broader industry through RA’s social media platforms, website, and weekly email newsletter (RA Insider, circulation of more than 15,000 subscribers).

By being a Tier 2 member with Roads Australia (RA), you can continue to build connections, enhance your reputation, and increase your influence in the transport sector. As a Tier 2, you have the opportunity to: 

  • Attend an invitation-only Leaders’ Lunch in Australia and build your profile among the RA membership base
  • Hold half yearly planning sessions to ensure you’re maximising the value of the RA platform
  • Request seat preferences at our events next to or near people of influence
  • Suggest a representative to policy stream expert panels and working groups
  • Shape policy outcomes through policy events (both in-person and online) and by contributing to the development of RA policy submissions
  • Participate in the RA Fellowship Program and Emerging Leaders Program, which will enable your younger professionals to develop leadership skills, build strong networks, and stay engaged in the transport industry
  • Partner with RA in panel discussions at large-scale industry events and policy webinars, where there are exclusive opportunities to showcase your brand
  • Promote your organisation to the broader industry through RA’s social media platforms, website, and weekly email newsletter (RA Insider, circulation of more than 15,000 subscribers).

By being a Tier 3 member with Roads Australia (RA), you can continue to build connections, enhance your reputation, and increase your influence in the transport sector. As a Tier 3, you have the opportunity to: 

  • Hold a yearly planning session to ensure you’re maximising the value of the RA platform
  • Request seat preferences at our events next to or near people of influence
  • Suggest a representative to policy stream expert panels and working groups
  • Shape policy outcomes through policy events (both in-person and online) and by contributing to the development of RA policy submissions
  • Participate in the RA Fellowship Program and Emerging Leaders Program, which will enable your younger professionals to develop leadership skills, build strong networks, and stay engaged in the transport industry
  • Partner with RA in panel discussions at large-scale industry events and policy webinars, where there are exclusive opportunities to showcase your brand
  • Promote your organisation to the broader industry through RA’s social media platforms, website, and weekly email newsletter (RA Insider, circulation of more than 15,000 subscribers).

Available to Not-for-profits and start-ups. By being a Tier 4 member with Roads Australia (RA), you can continue to build connections, enhance your reputation, and increase your influence in the transport sector. As a Tier 4, you have the opportunity to: 

  • Request seat preferences at our events next to or near people of influence
  • Suggest a representative to policy stream expert panels and working groups
  • Shape policy outcomes through policy events (both in-person and online) and by contributing to the development of RA policy submissions
  • Participate in the RA Fellowship Program and Emerging Leaders Program, which will enable your younger professionals to develop leadership skills, build strong networks, and stay engaged in the transport industry
  • Partner with RA in panel discussions at large-scale industry events and policy webinars, where there are exclusive opportunities to showcase your brand
  • Promote your organisation to the broader industry through RA’s social media platforms, website, and weekly email newsletter (RA Insider, circulation of more than 15,000 subscribers).

Patron status

Members who invest more than $80k annually across our event program receive Patron status, which provides the following additional benefits: 

  • Early selection of partnership opportunities on the annual event calendar
  • Additional branding on the RA website and select publications
  • Branding and participation in an RA podcast and webinar
  • Verbal acknowledgement at every RA industry event nationally
  • Priority invites for Leaders’ lunches
  • Priority access to presentation/speaking opportunities at RA events
  • Exclusive seating benefits
  • Social media recognition
Thankyou to the support of our patrons

Become a member

Become a member


Mark Sinclair

Executive Director - Membership Services