“Building Queensland deserves praise for bringing a uniform, transparent process to the assessment of the State’s infrastructure needs, and communicating it clearly to key stakeholders,” RA President David Stuart-Watt said today.
“The transport infrastructure sector, in particular, welcomes the clarity and surety that comes with having a well document pipeline of projects in Queensland.
“In this respect, this latest report complements the four-year Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) document published by the Department of Transport and Main Roads, which has for a number of years been the ‘go to’ reference for our industry.”
Mr Stuart-Watt said the value of a long, transparent pipeline would be further enhanced by a continuing emphasis on a balanced forward work program, providing opportunities for mid and lower tier companies to claim a share of the work and thus make the most of industry skills across the board.
“It’s also important that government and industry continue to invest in capacity to ensure Queensland has the people and skills to deliver future work efficiently and effectively,” Mr Stuart-Watt said.