Roads industry welcomes Victorian major infrastructure spend

April 27, 2016 – State Government funding for the Metro Tunnel and Western Distributor projects, as well as suburban and outer-suburban road upgrades, will go a long way towards ensuring Melbourne maintains its crown as Australia’s most liveable city.

This is a good Budget for public transport and roads. The Government is getting on with the job of delivering what it promised and tackling congestion,” Roads Australia President, David Stuart-Watt, said today.

“Most importantly, today’s major funding commitments give industry a level of surety around which it can plan and commit resources to deliver these projects most efficiently.

“It’s especially pleasing to see the Monash Freeway upgrade fully funded as part of the Western Distributor funding package, allowing for this critical project to get underway as soon as possible this year.

“We also welcome funding for key arterial road upgrades in suburban and outer Melbourne, and the commitment to work with the private sector to package suburban road upgrades. 

“There are a lot of efficiencies to be gained by packaging work, and the private sector is well placed to help deliver these.”  

Mr Stuart-Watt said the planned road upgrades were well targeted to alleviate congestion on some of the city’s busiest arterial roads which, in tandem with the ongoing program to remove level crossings, would continue to improve Melbourne’s liveability.

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