Tagged: transport (Page 12) (Page 12)

State Budgets Elevate Need For Consistent Road User Charging Model for ZEVs

22 June 2021 – Roads Australia (RA) has welcomed the focus on incentives to enhance uptake of zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) in the NSW State Budget today, and has renewed its call for ministers across all jurisdictions to work collaboratively to establish a consistent national approach to road user charges for ZEVs.

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Skills List Must Be Reformed To Allow Project Delivery

The lack of immediate access to skilled workers from overseas will have a significant impact on the ability to deliver major transport infrastructure projects, according to two of the nation’s leading transport industry associations. Roads Australia (RA) and the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) say the issues raised in their joint submission to Federal Parliament’s inquiry into skilled migration in March will be amplified by the major infrastructure spend in this month’s Federal Budget unless remedial action is taken.

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IPL’s Focus on Connectivity & Integration in Transport Welcomed

Roads Australia (RA), the peak body for roads within an integrated transport system, says the Infrastructure Priority List (IPL) released today by Infrastructure Australia (IA) confirms the central role of enhanced transport infrastructure in promoting post-COVID economic recovery and welcomes its clear focus on enhancing connectivity within Australia’s integrated transport networks.

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