The new Thomas Road Bridge in Perth delivered as part of the METRONET Byford Rail extension is now open to traffic.
The METRONET Byford Rail extension is being delivered by the MetCONNX Alliance, which includes RA members Laing O’Rourke and KBR, and involves extending the Armadale Line a further 8 kilometres south to Byford.
A new Byford Station, located 400 metres north of Abernethy Road, will provide future passengers with a 42-minute train journey to the Perth CBD and support the growing town centre.
From this week, vehicles can travel along the new bridge in a temporary alignment for the first time, allowing single-lane travel in both directions.
Once the project is complete, traffic will be able to pass over the rail corridor with two lanes in each direction. The bridge will also feature new shared paths, including an underpass, for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders, as well as a new road underpass connecting Butcher
and Vlasich roads.
Inclusive employment has been a key feature of this project, with more than 15,000 hours of work undertaken by an Aboriginal-led workforce, and women making almost 40 per cent of technical staff. To date, more than $1 million of the the project’s cost has been spent on Aboriginal businesses, putting it well on track to exceed a commitment to award $1.5 million.