Infrastructure NSW has published Staying Ahead: State Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2042, which makes 57 recommendations based around nine long-term objectives:

- boost economy-wide productivity and competitiveness
- service growing communities
- embed reliability and resilience
- achieve an orderly and efficient net zero transition
- enhance long-term water security
- protect our natural endowments
- harness the power of data and digital technology
- integrate infrastructure, land use and services
- design the investment program to endure
Infrastructure NSW publishes the strategy every five years to provide independent advice to the New South Wales Government, in accordance with the Infrastructure NSW Act 2011.
The 20-year Strategy recommends reforms, policies and projects that respond to NSW’s changing economic, social and environmental outlook. It assesses infrastructure problems and solutions, and provides recommendations to best grow the NSW economy, enhance productivity and improve liveability for the community.