I wish to advise Roads Australia members that Michael Kilgariff will leave the organisation on Friday 26 May.
Over the past 5 years Michael has led Roads Australia through a challenging and constantly changing external environment.
During COVID we adopted new delivery modes for our online events and workshops, and maintained strong engagement with RA’s membership. We also saw the organisation take on new policy issues, adopt new approaches to Diversity & Inclusion and continue to introduce new events to attract broader audiences. It has been a period of positive change for Roads Australia and that will continue under new leadership as we adapt to our ever changing world.
As an organisation Roads Australia is in great shape with a committed membership, a talented team focussed on delivery, and a visible public presence.
On behalf of the Board I would like to extend to Michael our warm thanks for his leadership and the support he has provided the Board during his tenure.
All at Roads Australia wish Michael every success and best wishes in his next steps.
Aneetha de Silva
President – Roads Australia