Policy News

Infrastructure Market Capacity 2023 Report Summary

Infrastructure Australia’s third annual Infrastructure Market Capacity report has now been released. The report provides an update on the forward pipeline, capacity constraints across the sector and makes clear recommendations to drive a more sustainable industry. Key takeaways Recommendations Recommendations …

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EV charge ruled out by High Court

The High Court has handed down its long-awaited decision on the legality of Victoria’s zero and low emission road user charge, determining the charge is an excise and therefore unconstitutional when levied by a State Government. The Victorian government currently …

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CEO Keynote: National Roads & Traffic Expo

Below is a full copy of the keynote speech delivered by RA CEO, Ehssan Veiszadeh, to open the National Roads & Traffic Expo. National Roads & Traffic Expo – Keynote speech Decarbonisation Roads as a public space My questions… Workforce …

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RA NSW Budget Brief

Budget Context The first budget of the Minns Labor Government has been handed down following the March 2023 election. The budget comes at a time when state governments across the nation are grappling with broad economic challenges including large debt …

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RA holds future transport webinar

Roads Australia today bought together industry and government representatives for a policy webinar on future transport, with perspectives shared from across academia, government and industry. Thanks to GHD for partnering with RA for this policy event. ‘The future of transport,’ was moderated by Erin …

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RA joins Infrastructure Net Zero initiative

Roads Australia has today partnered with six private sector peak bodies and three federal agencies for the launch of the Infrastructure Net Zero initiative. The primary objective of Infrastructure Net Zero is to meet or exceed, through collective action, national …

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RA makes submission to NPA Review

Roads Australia has made a submission to the Independent Review of the National Partnership Agreement (NPA) on Land Transport Infrastructure Projects (the NPA Review), headed by Jane Halton AO. While complementary to the Independent Strategic Review of the Infrastructure Investment …

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