The NSW State Infrastructure Strategy recommended that the NSW Government work towards net zero in the infrastructure sector, including through reducing embodied emissions in construction.
In October 2022, Infrastructure NSW (INSW) released a Discussion Paper, held an industry forum and series of roundtables with the construction supply chain and identified the need for a clear policy mandate and consistent measurement approach as the priorities in this space.
INSW has now delivered on the commitment to act on that feedback by releasing the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Policy (Policy) and Technical Guidance: Embodied Carbon Measurement for Infrastructure (Measurement Guidance).
The Policy and Measurement Guidance, co-designed with NSW Government agencies and industry, is designed to ensure upfront carbon emissions generated during the production of materials and the construction of infrastructure is a key consideration across all project stages, and embodied carbon is measured consistently for government projects.
INSW and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have also prepared the Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Roadmap of their activities and milestones relating to embodied emissions over the next three years, to provide greater policy clarity to industry and communicate the coordinated work of NSW Government.
The Roadmap sets out key initiatives for 2024-2026 towards decarbonising infrastructure delivery and reflects the collaborative relationship between INSW and TfNSW as a NSW Government leader in this space.