Industry farewells a true champion

June 30, 2015 – There were plenty of laughs and more than a few good memories shared when some 200 industry leaders turned out in Melbourne today to farewell the retiring CEO of Linking Melbourne Authority, Ken Mathers.

Ken, who is a RA Board member, was joined by his wife Pam and friends and former colleagues who paid tribute to his long career in Victorian road infrastructure planning and delivery.

Ken's project management skills have been applied to some of Victoria's largest road projects, including the Hume Freeway, the Western Ring Road, upgrading of Monash Freeway and pre-construction planning for CityLink.

He joined the newly created Melbourne CityLink Authority in 1995 as Director, Engineering and Operations for its function of facilitating CityLink. After working as a private consultant, he returned to Government in 2003 as Chief Executive Officer of Southern and Eastern Integrated Transport Authority (SEITA), the State Government agency responsible for the facilitation of EastLink, then Australia's largest Private Public Partnership (PPP) road infrastructure project.

Ken's contribution to the roads business was recognised in 2013 when he was awarded the industry's highest honour, the John Shaw Medal.

This event was kindly sponsored by Engineers Australia.

Below: Pam and Ken Mathers with RA President, David Stuart-Watt 

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