Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King, has announced that funding will be included in the upcoming 2024-25 Federal Budget for new road and rail projects in an address to Roads Australia’s Transforming Transport Summit.
Following the Commonwealth’s Infrastructure Review and the reprioritisation of funding to deliver a sustainable, deliverable and fit for purpose pipeline the Minister indicated the industry could expect more certainty regarding the infrastructure pipeline in the coming weeks.
The 2024-25 Budget will include funding for new road and rail projects in every state of the nation. This announcement follows the first budget cycle with formal involvement from Infrastructure Australia in the budget funding process.
Further to this, the Budget will include $21 million in funding to create a road safety hub which will support harmonisation and decision makers.
The Commonwealth will also seek to include a provision in this negotiated agreement with the states, that will create a requirement for the provision of a nationally consistent data set.
Following the release of the Road Worker Safety Industry Guideline and continued advocacy of RA’s Road Worker Safety Group, RA is pleased to see a sustained commitment, backed by funding, to take action the nation’s concerning road toll.
Roads Australia CEO Ehssan Veiszadeh said: “The need for productivity enhancing transport investments is clear and we appreciate that in a tight fiscal environment there will be new investments in road and rail projects in every state and territory.
“Certainty over the infrastructure pipeline is absolutely critical to allow industry to respond to demand, and ensure we have the skills and capability to deliver projects that support connectivity, liveability and safety for the community” Mr Veiszadeh said.
In welcoming the Road Worker Safety Guideline released by Roads Australia today the Minister committed $21 million to enhancements to the National Road Safety Data Hub.
“Reducing road trauma is an urgent national priority. Last year we saw a tragic 1,266 people lose their lives on our roads which is trending in the completely wrong direction.
“This funding will allow for the work to ensure the datasets of States and Territories are harmonised and that States and Territories will benefit from access to national data sets. In addition, the Commonwealth will seek to include requirement for provision of nationally consistent data set as part of the Federal Funding Agreements currently being negotiated.”
Read the Minister’s address in full here and accompanying media release on road safety funding here.