The 2022-23 NSW State Budget contains a record infrastructure pipeline of $112.7bn, with transport projects alone accounting for $76.7bn of the investments made.
The package incorporates significant support for key road projects across the state, including $4.1bn provided over the next four years for planning the Western bypass, Harbour tunnel and Beaches Link, $2.3bn for upgrades to the Princes Highway around Mt Ousley, Jervis Bay and Milton, $1.2bn towards completing the final stages of WestConnex – the M4-M5 Link Tunnels and the Rozelle Interchange, and $3.7bn over four years to continue construction of the Sydney Gateway project and M6 Stage 1 Extension.
The Budget also makes major investments to improve the safety and capacity of the state’s key freight route the Newell Highlight (including the Parkes Bypass), along with $3.2bn over the next four years to support significant upgrades on the Great Western Highway.
As Western Sydney continues to experience strong population and commercial growth, there are also a range of Budget investments to enhance the region’s road network.
This includes $1.2bn billion over four years for road upgrades to support the new Western Sydney Airport, including The Northern Road between Narellan and Penrith, and the M12, as well as the Mulgoa Rd Upgrade and the M5 – Moorebank Avenue – Hume Highway Intersection Upgrade.
The Budget also invests heavily in public transport, with $12.4bn provided over four years to support delivery of the Sydney Metro connecting Parramatta to the Sydney CBD, $5.1bn towards the Metro City and South West (connecting Chatswood and Bankstown) and $8.4bn over four years supporting delivery of Sydney Metro to Western Sydney Airport.
The Budget also includes $38m to support the rollout of more EV charging infrastructure, which will see the NSW Government work with the private sector to co-fund new kerbside charge points in residential areas, charging infrastructure for medium and large apartment buildings and rollout more fast charging stations in high density urban areas.
Further details on the NSW Budget are available here