Perth turns out to hear Dean Nalder address transport challenges

October 9, 2015 – WA Transport Minister, Dean Nalder, was our special guest at a major industry lunch in Perth this week.

Over 140 industry leaders attended the lunch at Frazers Restaurant to hear the Minister speak on a range of industry challenges and opportunities focussed around meeting the State's future transport infrastructure needs.

Minister Nalder also made the presentation to the state winner of the ARRB – RA Student Transport Research Award,Charlie Hargroves from Curtin University.

Our thanks to our sponsor Arcadis for help making this event happen.

Below:  L to R, RA President, David Stuart-Watt; Minister Nalder; ARRB – RA Student Transport Prize winner, Charlie Hargroves; Curtin University's Professor Keith Hampson; and ARRB Group Manager and Principal Consultant, Larry Schneider.

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