Tagged: electric vehicles

New direction for EV infrastructure in WA

The Western Australian Government has released a new position statement to support the delivery of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure across the state. The new ‘Position Statement: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure‘ aims to assist proponents and planning decision-makers by encouraging early …

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Federal inquiry launched into EV transition

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water has commenced an inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). The Committee is seeking written submissions providing recommendations relating to any or all of the below …

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New Zealand to introduce EV road user charge

New Zealand’s Minister for Transport, Simeon Brown, has announced his government’s plans to remove the exemption from road user charges (RUC) for owners of light electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrids. Legislation will be introduced in time for the changes …

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Tasmania invests in home EV charging

The Tasmanian Government has expanded its $50 million Energy Saver Loan Scheme, allowing households and businesses switching to an electric vehicle (EV) to receive assistance with the purchase of home charging infrastructure. The existing Energy Saver Loan Scheme, which provides …

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EV charge ruled out by High Court

The High Court has handed down its long-awaited decision on the legality of Victoria’s zero and low emission road user charge, determining the charge is an excise and therefore unconstitutional when levied by a State Government. The Victorian government currently …

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Queensland invests in EV charging infrastructure

More than 30 towns in Queensland will benefit from 44 new EV charging stations, almost doubling the capability of the Queensland Electric Super Highway made possible by a $10 million commitment to co-fund charging infrastructure as part of the government’s …

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RA Electric Vehicle Submission

The Roads Australia submission to the Commonwealth Government’s Electric Vehicle Strategy called on the government to develop a national transition strategy to ensure that the necessary changes in the energy and transport sectors are planned out together to deliver a …

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State Budgets Elevate Need For Consistent Road User Charging Model for ZEVs

22 June 2021 – Roads Australia (RA) has welcomed the focus on incentives to enhance uptake of zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) in the NSW State Budget today, and has renewed its call for ministers across all jurisdictions to work collaboratively to establish a consistent national approach to road user charges for ZEVs.

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SA Electric Vehicle Charge Underscores Need for Equity and National Consistency

Roads Australia (RA), the peak body for roads within an integrated transport system, welcomes the South Australian Government’s decision to address road user charges for electric vehicles (EVs) in 2021 and says it underscores the need to be focused on equity and the pursuit of a nationally consistent approach.

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