Tim Reardon welcomed by industry at RA lunch in Sydney

September 23, 2015 – As Secretary of Transport for NSW, Tim Reardon is currently overseeing one of the busiest periods of transport infrastructure delivery in the State’s recent history, spearheaded by the CBD light rail project.

Despite this, Tim took time out this month to speak to over 160 industry leaders at a RA industry lunch in Sydney.

Tim provided a comprehensive and invaluable overview of the structure in place within Transport for NSW and was keen to emphasise the importance of building strong and open lines of communication with industry.  He underlined this by providing an outline of the longer-term project pipeine for NSW. 

Tim also made the presentation to the state winner of the ARRB – RA Student Transport Research Award, Iman (James) Mohammadi from the University of Technology, Sydney.

Our thanks to our sponsor GHD for creating this opportunity for industry to meet Tim.

Below:  James Mohammadi (left) receives the ARRB Student Transport prize from Tim Reardon (centre) and ARRB's NSW and ACT Regional Manager, Arjan Rensen

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