Policy News (Page 3) (Page 3)

2023-24 Federal Budget Brief

(Please note this information is being updated progressively. Refresh to the page to ensure you are viewing the most recent version) Investment in transport infrastructure projects The Albanese Government’s second Budget was delivered in the wake of the recent announcement …

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SA releases Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2025

South Australia’s Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2025 (Action Plan) has been developed to help reduce lives lost and serious injuries on South Australian roads. The Action Plan identifies actions that will contribute to the state’s target of at least a 50% …

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New driver distraction rules in Victoria

New driver distraction road rules will come into effect across Victoria from 31 March. The changes will bring Victoria in line with the Australian Road Rules, and cover in-built vehicle systems, mounted devices, wearable and portable devices such as smartwatches …

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National Road Safety Action Plan (2023-2025)

This week, the Federal Government released the first National Road Safety Action Plan (2023-2025), which outlines the actions the Australian, state and territory governments will take to implement the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30. RA has been involved in the …

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RA’s pre-Budget submission

RA has provided a submission to the Federal Government ahead of the 2023-24 Federal Budget, which will be delivered in early May. The submission was developed with input from members of RA’s Policy Stream Expert Panels and suggestions received by …

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Social licence for buses in NSW

RA’s Director – Policy Royce Christie met with the Hon. David Elliott MP, NSW Minister for Transport last week to discuss RA’s research report, Investigating the Social Licence for Buses in Australia. The report was the result of engaging with 2,400 people across Melbourne, Sydney …

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Making more of bus networks

Following on from the release of RA’s report earlier this year that examined improving social licence for buses, Infrastructure Victoria has produced a new discussion paper that examines opportunities to obtain better results from Melbourne’s bus network. Get on board: …

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$500 million fund to support low emissions tech

The Federal Government is establishing a new $500 million fund that will progress innovative projects and technologies to reduce emissions. The Powering Australia Technology Fund will operate through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), and is designed to increase the …

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RA Electric Vehicle Submission

The Roads Australia submission to the Commonwealth Government’s Electric Vehicle Strategy called on the government to develop a national transition strategy to ensure that the necessary changes in the energy and transport sectors are planned out together to deliver a …

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