Policy News (Page 4) (Page 4)

RA Federal Budget Brief

Note: The contents of this brief will be progressively updated as more detailed information about the Budget becomes available. Please refresh the page to ensure you are viewing the latest updates. The Budget context The Albanese Government has used its …

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TMAA survey shows more work needed on road worker safety

The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) have released their annual Traffic Management summary White Paper. Since 2020, TMAA have engaged the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) to produce the survey and its findings with the aim of identifying and …

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Reducing embodied emissions in infrastructure

Infrastructure New South Wales (iNSW) recently released a discussion paper which provides guiding principles to help decarbonise the delivery of public infrastructure across the planning, design and construction phases. Focusing on reducing embodied emissions, the paper brings the NSW government …

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Consultation opens on national EV strategy

Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy is taking shape, with the Federal Government releasing a consultation paper this week that is focused on helping to electrify road transport and boost the affordability, supply and uptake of EVs. The strategy is …

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Investing in road worker safety saves lives and money

Last week, Austroads released an economic analysis for their national initiative to harmonise temporary traffic management practices. The analysis estimated that roadside worksite crashes cost $3.2 billion over a 10-year period. However, the cost is not solely economic. The study …

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Tasmania seeks community input on road safety

The Tasmanian Government has been seeking community input on ideas to help prevent road deaths and trauma though a series of community forums held across the state this week. Despite a number of policy interventions and innovations over recent years, …

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World-first for road worker safety in Queensland

Hugely positive news from Queensland this week, as Minister for Transport and Main Roads Hon. Mark Bailey MP announces that speed camera technology will target speeding drivers in school zones and roadworks across Queensland in a world-first road safety initiative. …

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