Tickets are now on sale for the ecologiQ Greener Infrastructure Conference held from 18-20 September at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.
The three day event brings together leaders from across government, sustainability and infrastructure to explore how to accelerate the shift to a greener future, aligning with state and national net zero targets.
With government and industry collaborating on this journey, the conference provides an opportunity to learn how infrastructure is being built and managed in a more sustainable manner and what future possibilities exists to increase sustainable practice.
In addition to a range of guest speakers, including Jim Betts, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, the following three immersive site tours are planned with ticket sales for these open:
- Route 1 – Civil: Visit three suppliers across Melbourne’s west, finishing with a tour of the National Transport Research Organisation Laboratory.
- Route 2 – Plastics: Meet six innovative suppliers in Melbourne’s southeast and witness solution-driven outcomes to this problematic waste stream. Sites include, OC Connections – creators of OC Eco T-Top Bollard, and Replas including their fascinating environmental centre.
- Route 3 – Built Environment: Visit buildings and public spaces to see innovative and sustainable materials used in the urban realm, from suppliers including CERES Fair Wood and Curvecrete.
Find out more about the conference here and book your tickets here.