November 1
10:15 – Workshop opening
Roads Australia‘s much-anticipated end-of-year RA Fellows workshop is now underway in Brisbane.
Proceedings have begun with an address from RA Chair of the Future Leaders Committee Stuart Cook, outlining the importance of the RA Fellowship Program and the role of the Future Leaders Committee. Stuart then introduced RA’s Immediate Past President Michael Bushby, who shared his thoughts on the RA Fellowship Program, the future of the industry and his optimistic future outlook given the range of talented emerging leaders present across the industry.
Following Michael’s speech, Deputy Chair of the Future Leaders Committee, Verity Turner, conducted an introduction session with both 2023 and 2024 RA Fellows, facilitating a Q&A session and allowing RA’s new intake of Fellows to hear about 2023 Fellows’ experiences throughout the program.

12:50 – Critical feedback workshop with Georgia Murch
Roads Australia Fellows are now hearing from Georgia Murch, Founder of Can We Talk.
An important component of the RA Fellowship Program is not just having a senior transport leader as a mentor; it’s about improving leadership qualities, enhancing communication skills and developing attributes that will set our Fellows up for the rest of their careers.
Georgia is sharing her expertise on the importance of feedback as a driver of engagement and essential ingredient in profitable and thriving workplaces.

November 2
11:15 – Mentoring panel session
As part of the second day of the RA Fellows end-of-year workshop the 2024 intake benefited from a mentoring panel discussion moderated by Stuart Cook – Civil Transport Lead – QLD, BG&E and Chair of RA’s Future Leaders Committee.
RA’s new Fellows gained an insight into expectations from mentors over the course of the program, the importance of developing a strong mentee/mentor relationship and how to leverage the RA Fellowship Program for long-term career benefit, hearing from the following speakers:
- Ehssan Veiszadeh – Chief Executive Officer, Roads Australia
- Amanda Yeates – Chief Executive Officer, SunCentral Maroochydore | 2023 Mentor
- Christophe Kowalczyk – Client Director Contractors, WSP | 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023, 2024 Mentor