NSW has released its 2026 Road Safety Action Plan, a key element of the state’s commitment to achieving zero deaths and serious injuries on NSW roads by 2050.
The Plan’s contents have been developed following engagement with industry stakeholders, locally-based and international road safety experts, as well as the wider community.
Among the key initiatives contained in the Plan are:
- building on the success of the Safer Roads Program, a new Towards Zero Safer Roads Program that supports the further rollout of safety treatments;
- trialing a vehicle safety program to increase the use of safer vehicles among younger and disadvantaged drivers;
- using existing mobile phone detection cameras to detect and enforce drivers not wearing a seatbelt;
- trialing technology on heavy vehicles and buses to improve detection of pedestrians and cyclists; and
- enhancing the Local Government Road Safety Program.
The new Plan has been accompanied by a $250 million funding boost from the NSW Government, taking the state’s investment in enhanced road safety to close to $2.4 billion over the next five years.
See the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan