RA showed its support for a national Road Worker Day of Remembrance on the 9th of November at its 2022 Fellows end-of-year workshop.
Michael Kilgariff, CEO, took a moment to remind everyone in the room to reflect on the road workers who have been killed or seriously injured in our industry.
Highlighted in Austroads recent economic analysis, each year at roadside worksites (on average) there are:
- 18 fatal crashes
- 245 serious injury crashes
- 530 minor injury crashes
Every day the people working on our roads, face enormous risks.
Improving the safety of road workers remains RA’s number one policy priority, supported by its Road Worker Safety Working Group (RWSWG).
The RA RWSWG seek to improve the safety outcomes for the workers who build and maintain our roads through four pillars:
- Procurement
- Pre-Qualification
- Industry Image and Minimum Standards
- International Standards