So excited to have all of Roads Australia’s 2022 Fellows together again to celebrate their achievements over the last year.
It has been a busy year for this cohort of future leaders working on their projects, gaining knowledge from their mentors, and networking with the wider industry.
But where one journey ends, another starts with our incoming 2023 Fellows.
The RA Fellows program provides opportunities and encouragement for the next generation to develop leadership skills, build strong networks and stay engaged in our industry.
Importantly, the program is showing the diversity occurring in our industry. In 2022, 54% of our Fellows were women, and there is 51% female representation in our 2023 cohort.

All of this is overseen by the RA Future Leaders Committee who without them we would not be able to deliver this important program for our sector.
All of our 2022 Fellows teams presented their final projects. The topic for this year was “How are transport infrastructure sectors evolving to meet climate change challenges?”
While all our 2022 Fellows provided interesting presentations and reports of their work, it is congratulations to Group 4, presenting Zero Emission Heavy Vehicle & Plant in the transport Construction Sector comprising Nick Eddy, Jane Ada, Jason Miles, Rosemary Rice, Glen Chrzanowski and Liz Tinlin who delivered the winning project.
Through this project, and throughout this year’s program, our 2022 Fellows have shown us that they are the future leaders the transport sector needs.
Sustainability and decarbonisation are a big focus in our industry. It is imperative that the sector shows how it is delivering transport infrastructure that is more resilient and is actively contributing to better environmental outcomes.
With thousands of kilometres of road and major damage to transport infrastructure across the nation as a result of the recent floods, and bushfires in previous years, the impacts of climate change are already upon us.
Ensuring business and workforces are aligned to this objective is also fundamental to locking in the future opportunities presented by a decarbonised economy and industry.
Well done to all of our 2022 Fellows and congratulations to the winning team.