The $232 million extension of the Mitchell Freeway to Alkimos has officially been opened to commuters.
The project was completed through a Joint Venture between BMD Constructions and Georgiou, extending the Mitchell Freeway 5.6 kilmoetres north from Hester Avenue to Romeo Rd, creating a new, high-standard, north-south transport link in Perth’s northwest, including new freeway access points at Lukin Drive, Butler Boulevard and Romeo Rd.
The extension has involved collaboration with METRONET, including a new bridge over rail on Romeo Rd as part of the Yanchep Rail Extension, in addition to 560,000 cubic metres of surplus material being utilised for the extension from the METRONET extension.
Through the construction phase the project supported around 1,200 direct and indirect jobs and was jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Western Australian Government, with each contributing $116 million.