Industry submissions for a business case to help develop technology solutions that can accelerate South Australia’s transition to zero-emissions public transport are now being sought in a new tender from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).
DIT is taking the latest step towards delivering a cleaner, greener public transport system with the release of a tender for Feasibility Studies and Business Cases for the Transition to Zero-Emission Public Transport.
This tender will build on work already being done to transition the state’s public transport network, including the delivery of Adelaide Metro’s first full-battery electric bus in January 2023, and transition from a diesel to a hybrid bus fleet.
Advice on the implications of an accelerated rate of electric bus uptake from 2025 will be considered, as part of the Depatment’s target to make SA’s bus fleet 100 per cent electric by 2050.
A feasibility and technology study is also required to determine future technology options for powering trains on the Belair, Outer Harbor and Grange lines.