Tagged: decarbonisation

2024-25 Federal Budget: Decarbonisation

The 2024-25 Budget includes funding for a range of initiatives relevant to decarbonising the nation’s infrastructure sector.  To implement the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, the Australian Government will provide $154.5 million over six years from 2023–24 (and $12.6 million per …

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Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery

The NSW State Infrastructure Strategy recommended that the NSW Government work towards net zero in the infrastructure sector, including through reducing embodied emissions in construction. In October 2022, Infrastructure NSW (INSW) released a Discussion Paper, held an industry forum and series …

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CEO Keynote: National Roads & Traffic Expo

Below is a full copy of the keynote speech delivered by RA CEO, Ehssan Veiszadeh, to open the National Roads & Traffic Expo. National Roads & Traffic Expo – Keynote speech Decarbonisation Roads as a public space My questions… Workforce …

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RA Webinar highlights circular economy opportunities

Roads Australia today bought together industry and government representatives for a policy webinar on establishing sustainable supply chains through the effective utilisation of circular economy principles. Thanks to Aurecon for partnering with us for this policy event. ‘Sustainable Supply Chains,’ was …

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Embedding sustainability in The Northern Road

Sustainability was a major focus for CIMIC Group’s CPB Contractors in its delivery of The Northern Road upgrade Stages 5 and 6 in NSW. The upgrade works are designed to accommodate rapid population growth in this part of Sydney’s west, …

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NSW moves to decarbonise infrastructure delivery

NSW has released a Decarbonising Infrastructure Delivery Roadmap, which introduces a standardised carbon measurement tool across Government projects, and will also begin consultation on a draft Protection of the Environment Policy (PEP) for sustainable construction, which is being delivered by …

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RA’s pre-Budget submission

RA has provided a submission to the Federal Government ahead of the 2023-24 Federal Budget, which will be delivered in early May. The submission was developed with input from members of RA’s Policy Stream Expert Panels and suggestions received by …

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